Presenting Data in Column Groups in a Report
Hello people:
i have this data: {AAA , 18} ,{BBB, 10} , {CCC ,20},{DDD, 65}, …….. {SSS, 16}.
i want to show it in the report like that:
AAA 18 DDD 65 GGG 33 ………. SSS 16
BBB 10 EEE 13 …
CCC 20 FFF 98 …
Any idea? , i am using a normal table, but all the data is under , Example :
AAA 18
BBB 10
CCC 20
but the thing is that i have several bands, some tables, but just 1 is like the example i showed you, then i was thinking in use a subreport, what do you think?
Suppose that the original data contains 10 records in two fields and the number of column groups colN is 3, then we need to generate a 6-field two-dimensional table. It’s simple to prepare data for reporting in SPL:
A |
1 |
=connect(“demo”) |
2 |
=A1.query(“SELECT name,value FROM tb”) |
3 |
=ceil(A2.len()/colN) |
4 | |
5 |
=create(${colN.(“name”/ ~ /“,value”/ ~).concat@c()})) |
6 |
=A5.paste(${A4.len().($[A4(]/ ~ /$[).(#1),A4(]/ ~ /“).(#2)”).concat@c()}) |
Result of executing the SPL script:
A1: Connect to the database;
A2: Retrieve data we need;
A3: Calculate the number of rows with 3 column groups;
A4: Group the retrieved data;
A5: Create an empty table sequence consisting of name and value fields;
A6: Assign values to each record in A5’s table sequence field by field.
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