Intra-group Ranking


I have a table of the following structure:
Date   Item   Size   Price   Quantity   TakenBy
2015-01-01   USB   32G   35   1   Lee
2015-01-01   USB   64G   30   2   Lee
2015-01-01   USB   32G   35   1   Audrey
2015-01-01   hard disk   500G   300   3   Audrey
2015-02-01   USB   500G   300   3   Audrey
I need to get the following result in SQL.
rank table of January:
Item   TakenBy   Quantity   Amount   QRank   ARank
USB   Lee   3   95   1   1
USB   Audrey   1   35   2   2
hard disk   Audrey   3   300   1   1



You can use rank function within a database that supports analytic functions to perform this intra-group ranking. Or you can do this in SPL (Structured Process Language) with a universal, simple two-liner:



$select Item,TakenBy,sum(Price*Quantity)   Amount,sum(Quantity) Quantity from tb group by Item,TakenBy order by Item,Quantity   desc



A1: Group records by Item and TakenBy and calculate quantity and amount for each group; the result set is sorted by Item and Quantity.

A2: Add QRank column and ARank column and calculate their values for each item taken by a certain person.

See How to Call an SPL Script in Java to learn how to call an SPL script from a Java application.