Get the Record Where the a Certain Field value First Corresponds to Another Field Value
Tid workid kind creattime price
1001 201 sales 2015-04-01 200
1002 201 sales 2015-04-02 100
5001 201 sales 2015-05-20 500
1001 702 rework 2015-05-20 -100
Requirement: get records for the report with workid 201 on date 2015-05-20:
5001 201 sales 2015-05-20 500
1001 702 rework 2015-05-20 -100
Since workid 201 is the first who handles Tid 1001, I also need to display the record where Tid is 1001 on 2015-05-20 in the report.
The logic is clear, but SQL handles an order-based calculation in a roundabout way. In a Java environment, we can deal with it in SPL. The Structured Process Language produces intuitive code:
A |
1 |
$select * from tb order by creattime |
2 |"2015-05-20") && (workid==201 || (t=Tid, |
A1: Retrieve data from the source table sorted by creattime with a SQL-like statement.
A2: Get records where creattime is 2015-05-20 and worked is 201, or the first record under same Tid where creattime is 2015-05-20 and workid is 201.
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