Take out numbers from texts


In the Excel file book1.xlsx, there is a column of data that is a mixture of characters and numbers. The numbers may appear in multiple places and appear irregularly. The data is shown in the figure below:


Separate all the numbers in each row and place the separated results in column B. The expected effect is as follows:


Write SPL script:









A1 Read in clipboard data, option @i means read as sequence


A2 Loop each text of A1, use words@d to split all the digits of the text to form a sequence, and then use concat to concatenate each digit together


A3 After concatenating the texts of A2 with \n, put them into the clipboard


Open book1.xlsx, select the A1:A5 area, copy with Ctrl+C, enter esProc to run the SPL script, return to Excel after the run, select B1, and Ctrl+V to paste the results in the clipboard.