7.2 Association query: join two tables on multiple fields while filtering joined records


Select target records from two tables associated on the multi-field join condition and then perform grouping & aggregation.
Find the total score of all subjects for each student in class one according to the mutually associated Score table and Student table.


A.join()function cooperates with @i option to delete the non-matching records. The operation specifies the Class value as a constant condition (which is Class one) to achieve the inner join.

SPL script:

1 =connect(“db”)
2 =A1.query(“select * from Score”)
3 =A1.query@x(“select * from Student”)
4 =A2.join@i(ID:“Class one”, A3:ID:Class)
5 =A4.groups(ID; sum(Score):TotalScore)

A1 Connect to the database.
A2 Query Score table.
A3 Query Student table.
A4 The join function works with @i option to perform the multi-field inner join on ID and Class.
A5 Group joined records on student ID and calculate total score of all subjects for each student.

Execution result:

ID TotalScore
1 230
2 258
3 228