12.2 Judge belongingness of a large set


Get records from a table through belongingness of a large set.
Calculate sale amount of each big customer in the year 2014 based on the following sale table.

ID Customer SellerId Date Amount
10400 EASTC 1 2014/01/01 3063.0
10401 HANAR 1 2014/01/01 3868.6
10402 ERNSH 8 2014/01/02 2713.5
10403 ERNSH 4 2014/01/03 1005.9
10404 MAGAA 2 2014/01/03 1675.0

When there are 10 or more members in a specified constant sequence, we can first sort it and then adds @b option to A.contain() function to perform a binary search.

SPL script:

1 =connect(“db”).query@x(“select * from Sales”)
3 =A1.select(year(Date)==2014 && A2.contain@b(Customer))
4 =A3.groups(month(Date):Month; sum(Amount):Amount)

A1 Connect to the database and query Sales table.
A2 Create a sequence of constants where members are big customers and sort it.
A3 Get records of big customers in the year 2014.
A4 Group selected records by month and calculate sale amount in each month.

Execution result:

Month Amount
1 16947.3
2 27793.3
3 14602.7