Retrieve a specified column from a csv file and concatenate its values as a string
We have a standard format csv file.
id,name,mark 20203923380,Lisa Hatfield,62 20200705173,Jessica Johnson,59 20205415333,Adam Harper,41 20203326467,Logan Nolan,77 |
Use Java to do this: Specify a column name, retrieve all values of the column, and concatenate them with the comma. For example, to retrieve mark column and concatenate its values, we have the result: 62,59,41,77.
Write the following SPL code:
T() function parses the csv file as a two-dimensional table, during which multiple column names can be specified. #1 represents the 1st column. concat() function concatenates members of a sequence using a separator; @c option enables using comma as the separator.
Read How to Call a SPL Script in Java to find how to integrate SPL into a Java application.
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