2 SPL Case Studies and Solutions


Case Analysis

Performance Optimization

Open-source SPL optimizes bank pre-calculated fixed query to real-time flexible query

Open-source SPL Speeds up Query on Detail Table of Group Insurance by 2000+ Times

Open-source SPL improves bank’s self-service analysis from 5-concurrency to 100-concurrency

Open-source SPL turns pre-association of query on bank mobile account into real-time association

Open-source SPL speeds up batch operating of bank loan agreements by 10+ times

Open-source SPL optimizes batch operating of insurance company from 2 hours to 17 minutes

Open-source SPL speeds up intersection calculation of customer groups in bank user profile by 200+ times

SPL optimizes funnel analysis of e-commerce from more than 3 minutes to 10 seconds

Application Solutions

Efficient Data Analysis Engine

High-performance Batch Job

HPC (2022)

DCM (2022)

High Performance Computing Database

High Performance Batch Running (Batch Computing Task) Solution

High Performance Online Computing Scheme

High Performance Multidimensional Analysis Solution

High Performance Computing Application Scenario

Agile data computing middleware